Projects done

Club Name: Beira Rotary Club

Name of the Project: Beira Natural Disaster Prevention, Risk Reduction and Response Project

Objectives:  What you plan to achieve by the end of your project?

  • Protected areas along Beira coastline, restored dunes and reduced exposure of the Beira community to natural disaster crisis.
  • Raised awareness for preservation of the coast areas and ensured community agency (ownership) and resilience along the protected areas.
  • Alleviated the suffering of women and children through creation of an accommodation centre which provides basic human needs and dignity.
  • Delivered training plans and support systems for building resilient communities (Psychological, nutrition, gender-based violence, sexual assault, and rescue units).

Area of focus: What area focus does the project support?

  • Economic and Community Development
  • Maternal and Child Health.

Community Needs: What primary needs were identified before project initiation?

  • Accommodation for women and children during tropical cyclones crisis.
  • Reposition of the mangroves and dunes along the coastal areas.

Category: What category does your project fall under? Planned Project, Ongoing Project, or Completed Project.

  • Planned project.

Direct Beneficiaries: Who are the direct beneficiaries of this project?

  • In general, Beira citizens, estimated population 533,825[1], and focus will be given to women and children living in areas vulnerable to the severe hit of the cyclones.

Indirect Beneficiaries: Who are the indirect beneficiaries of this project?

  • Primary and secondary students whose lessons are interrupted as schools are used most of the times for more than a month to lodge vulnerable people.
  • Civil construction companies benefiting from training for resilient construction.
  • The community, local and traditional authorities living in the community where the accommodation centre will be established.
  • Youth benefiting from professional and technical capacity building when the centre is deactivated (post-cyclone period).

Sustainability: How sustainable in the project and what have you done to ensure sustainability?

  • The City Council will manage the centre and pay salaries for the workers and are responsible for maintenance.
  • The Provincial Government will provide teachers training modules for the period post natural disaster crisis.
  • The accommodation centre will be under the City Council’s management.
  • The community leader will participate in the management of the centre.

Partners: Who are your project partners?

  • Potential partners: International Rotary Clubs, Rotary Clubs, Rotaract Clubs, Rotary Community Corps, individuals.
  • Local partners: Beira City Council, EMODRAGA, MULEIDE (Women, Law and Development), INGD (Disaster Management National Institute), IFP (Professional Training Institute), Environment Provincial Directorate, Women, Social Action and Health Provincial Directorate, Mozambique Catholic University – Environmental Science Faculty, UNILICUNGO – Environmental Science Faculty, UNISCED – Environmental Science Faculty, Fundza Editor, 5 Design and community leaders.

Budget: What is the project budget? 

Estimated: 800,000 USD

Recurring pattern: women and children lodged in schools.

The video illustrates more than 300 families accommodated in one of the schools during a cyclone period in Beira city.

Contact Person:

  • President Agostino, Hipólito Daniel: +258844097588
  • Projects Director Roma Peul: +2588292795