Club Name: Rotary Club of Lusaka
Name of the Project: Laptops for Schools Project
Objectives: What you plan to achieve by the end of your project?
- Provision of laptops to Secondary Schools: 228 laptops already delivered, 75 in transit and the Club has a target of 500 more to be delivered (subject to funding).
Area of focus: What area focus does the project support?
- Information Technology and General Education.
- Civic Education and Responsibility through the sub-element of ‘Giving Back to the Community’ (GBttC) whereby students are obliged to undertake activities that enhance the community (e.g. tree planting, environment maintenance, helping the needy etc.) through the formation of Interacts Clubs in each school.
Community Needs: What primary needs were identified before project initiation?
- The lack of computer facilities depriving the students of the means to sit the compulsory curriculum of IT (theory and practical).
- Lack of opportunities to develop leadership skills and social responsibility via community activities.
Category: What category does your project fall under? Planned Project, Ongoing Project, or Completed Project.
- Ongoing Project
Direct Beneficiaries: Who are the direct beneficiaries of this project?
- Pupils of Government and Community Schools.
Indirect Beneficiaries: Who are the indirect beneficiaries of this project?
- The wider community in general via the GBttC activities.
Sustainability: How sustainable in the project and what have you done to ensure sustainability?
- Eventually, the laptops will be available to the wider community via a fundraising fee structure.
- The Club has focused on developing a wide network of RI and other partners, to ensure the longevity of the funding of this Project is not concentrated around a single donor. This diversified funding model will ensure this project remains sustainable.
Partners: Who are your project partners?
- The East Chapel Hill Rotary Club of North Carolina
- The Rotary Club of Louvain La Neuve of Belgium
- Rotary District of 7010, Rotary Club of Gore Bay Canada
- Irish Aid and other well-wishers.
Budget: What is the project budget?
- Phase 1 – USD 37,500
- Phase 2 commencing shortly – USD 67,500.
Contact Persons:
- President Cynthia: +260 97 5835333
- Past President Herbert: +260 96 6763545
- Past President Tambala: +260 96 8440156
Club Name: Rotary Club of Lusaka
Name of the Project: Chongwe Maternity Health Post Project
Objectives: What you plan to achieve by the end of your project?
- To rehabilitate the Chansu Clinic which deteriorated over the past 10 years. Among others, our aims are: –
(a) Safety and maintenance: Due to heavy damage, the roof and ceiling is about to collapse, which makes the clinic hazardous for all the patients and pregnant women coming to the clinic. Fixing the roof will help us from losing more lives in the community and maintaining safe and adequate environment for the staff and patients.
(b) Water and sanitation: The clinic has no running water. The intended Project will ensure that the new mothers will be able to have a decent shower rooms with running water in the clinic which will accord them dignity and enable them to have a shower, immediately after giving birth, rather than the current practice of going outside immediately after delivery to fetch their water.
(c) Electricity/solar power: The clinic has no power source and no lights. Lights will enable the midwives to see properly without any struggle when helping the mothers to give birth rather using torches or phones when labour is at night which is the current practice.
(d) Facilities and supplies: The clinic has no linens/curtains and basic supply. Decent linens instead of using the bin bags when women are giving birth. Patients will be able to have total privacy when giving birth because the windows will have curtains on them.
(e) Putting all these in place will reduce the number of deaths especially in the new-born babies and their mothers too. In Chongwe we have a lot of Cerebral Palsy Children and other disabilities in babies. We believe that if the health facilities will be in good condition, the number of deaths and disabilities will be reduced in babies too.
Area of focus: What area focus does the project support?
- Water Sanitation & Hygiene
- Maternal and Child Health
Community Needs: What primary needs were identified before project initiation?
- The primary needs which were identified before the project initiation was lack of running water in the clinic and maternity ablution block. However, it was discovered that the roof has exceeded its life span and apart from heavy leaking during the rainy season, it poses a serious health and safety concern and therefore must be attended to as a matter of priority.
- Lack of electricity at the facility has also proven to be a major challenge especially for the patients who become sick at night and pregnant women who give birth at night.
Category: What category does your project fall under? Planned Project, Ongoing Project, or Completed Project.
- Planned Project
Direct Beneficiaries: Who are the direct beneficiaries of this project?
- The local community who is using the facility (approximately 8000 people) – patients and their families. Health workers and other staff.
Indirect Beneficiaries: Who are the indirect beneficiaries of this project?
- The nearest hospital which is Chongwe District Hospital is approximately 20km from Chansu Clinic which makes it very hard for the community to have an alternative health facility within proximity. The Chansu Clinic provides service to more than 8000 people in the catchment area.
Sustainability: How sustainable in the project and what have you done to ensure sustainability?
- The Club is looking to provide power using solar panels and a solar inverter which makes the power supply more sustainable for the community.
- The proposal for the roof repair is intended to give it a longer life span from the initial 10 years which has already elapsed to a longer life span of at least 50 years It is also intended that Club will work with its Corporate member and partner World Vision Zambia, to ensure that once the running water is supplied, the community is trained to undertake the repairs and maintenance of the facility, and be able to deal with wear and tear, making the maintenance more sustainable. The Community has recently formed a neighbourhood watch team to guard the facility at night to ensure that nothing is stolen from the facility.
Partners: Who are your project partners?
- The Rotary Club of Lusaka is actively seeking Partners for this Project.
Budget: What is the project budget?
- Approximately $15,000
Contact Person:
- President Cynthia – +260 975835333
- Rtn Anita – + 260 977886240 | 0966393816
- Rtn Alex – +260 95 7012230