Club Name: Rotary Club of Msasa

Name of the Project: Mubatirapmwe Drug and Substance Abuse Project

Objectives:  What you plan to achieve by the end of your project?

  • This project seeks to provide a safehouse for victims of drug and substance abuse and give them a rehabilitation facility where they can recover in a place of safety and complete anonymity.

Area of focus: What area focus does the project support?

  • Economic and Community Development
  • Peace and Conflict Prevention

Community Needs: What primary needs were identified before project initiation?

  • Many Zimbabweans are turning to drugs due to unemployment, lack of job opportunities and boredom due to lack of safe youth centres and activities for youths.
  • There is also a great need for Rehabilitation Facilities for those trying to recover from drugs.

Category: What category does your project fall under? Planned Project, Ongoing Project, or Completed Project.

  • Ongoing Project

Direct Beneficiaries: Who are the direct beneficiaries of this project?

  • Youths affected by drugs and substance abuse in Harare.

Indirect Beneficiaries: Who are the indirect beneficiaries of this project?

  • Parents, Relatives and friends of drug addicts and the community at large.


Sustainability: How sustainable in the project and what have you done to ensure sustainability?

  • The Project is extremely sustainable as the training and skills taught in the awareness campaign can be reproduced and spread to other communities.
  • Started with the community to find out what they want, encourages local ownership, provide necessary training, buying local to ensure money stays in the local economy, find local funding and measuring our success.

Partners: Who are your project partners?

  • Mubatirapmwe Trust

Budget: What is the project budget?

  • $40,000 USD

Contact Person:

  • President Tatenda Tavaziva: +263 719 151 514