Club Name: Nkwazi Rotary Club
Name of the Project: Mumbwa Agricultural Project
Objectives: What you plan to achieve by the end of your project?
- To give a steady income and better nutrition to 11,186 village families.
- Distributing free legume seeds leading to nutritious crops such as beans, cow peas, soya beans and groundnuts that also enhance soil health.
- Train farmers in more responsible and sustainable farming practices with an emphasis on Agroforestry systems.
- Establish beehive ownership and training to support community protection of local forests.
- Promote value addition and establishment of storage sites and collection points in villages for harvested crops.
- Offer market prices and therefore cut out the middlemen.
Area of focus: What area focus does the project support?
- Supporting the Environment
- Economic & Community Development
Community Needs: What primary needs were identified before project initiation?
- Communities stressed lack of food and income thereby sought alternative ways to meet family needs from local resources, often in the form of charcoal and poaching.
- Households exploiting natural resources due to poor farming practices that have led to rapid land clearing, wildlife habitat degradation, poaching with some having established settlements in forest zones.
Category: What category does your project fall under? Planned Project, Ongoing Project, or Completed Project.
- Ongoing Global Grant ( 1 January 2022 to 30 September 2023)
Direct Beneficiaries: Who are the direct beneficiaries of this project?
- 11,186 village households including the youth and women, residing in rural areas of Zambia.
Indirect Beneficiaries: Who are the indirect beneficiaries of this project?
- The greater community in Mumbwa District and the country at large as well as the environment.
Sustainability: How sustainable in the project and what have you done to ensure sustainability?
- Apart from imparting skills, to achieve sustained socio-economic benefits for local communities, we established producer group cooperatives with strong leadership capable of overseeing continued service delivery to their members and raise revenue to self-finance their activities.
Partners: Who are your project partners?
- D1850 led by RC Bad Baderkessa Germany
- Bingo Foundation, Germany
- a local NGO, Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO)
- 11,186 village families that live close to protected forest areas and Game Management Areas in Mumbwa District, Zambia.
Budget: What is the project budget?