Club Name:  Rotaract Club of Lusaka

Name of the Project: Rotaractors in Action Against Malaria

Objectives:  What you plan to achieve by the end of your project?

  • To inculcate an appreciation for high data quality in 185 community health workers and 17 health facility staff by May 2023.
  • To highlight to 33 data producers, the implications of poor-quality data on national malaria programming by May 2023.
  • To strengthen the involvement of two district health officers in Luano district in the management of community and health facility-level data by May 2023.
  • To promote the recording of standardized malaria data elements per the National Malaria Elimination Programme and Ministry of Health guidelines.

Area of focus: What area focus does the project support?

  • Disease Prevention and Treatment.

Community Needs: What primary needs were identified before project initiation?

  • Luano, the district being targeted by this project has community health workers (CHWs) who were trained in Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) in 2021. The iCCM implementation has a component of malaria surveillance, which requires the CHWs to report monthly on nationally agreed data elements. It has been noticed in the Luano, that in the nine months since the CHWs begun their community malaria work in January 2022;
  • Only 58% of the expected reports have been transmitted,
    • of which only 37% were sent on time, and 59% were complete, while 99% of them were considered valid by National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) standards.
  • These statistics do not meet the recommended minimums for data to considered reliable, and for evidence-based decisions to be from it.
  • The National Malaria Elimination Strategy 2022 – 2026 emphasizes the use of data for sound decision-making that will result in malaria elimination interventions being designed and implemented appropriately in each part of the country. For this reason, the NMEP routinely implements activities to improve data quality.
  • Because of the below-par data quality noted in Luano district, which could potentially result in inappropriate interventions being targeted at the district, the Club proposes strengthening data management processes.


Category: What category does your project fall under? Planned Project, Ongoing Project, or Completed Project.

  • Planned Project

Direct Beneficiaries: Who are the direct beneficiaries of this project?

  • 17 Facility Staff; 33 Data Community Health Workers; 185 Community Health Workers; 1 MEO; 1 DHIO

Indirect Beneficiaries: Who are the indirect beneficiaries of this project?

  • 23,845 residents of Luano Direct this accounts for 30% of the total district population.

Sustainability: How sustainable in the project and what have you done to ensure sustainability?

  • If executed well, the project is expected to produce a cascade effect wherein all producers, managers and consumers of data will learn, and pass on best practices in handling data. The Club believes sustainability will be attained when all personnel who will be engaged in Luano district have a comprehensive understanding of the importance of quality data evidenced by the improvement in the four key data elements that are being used to measure data quality in the malaria programming.

Partners: Who are your project partners?

  • Malaria Partners Zambia
  • Malaria Partners International
  • Interact Club of St. Isabela
  • Ministry of Health

Budget: What is the project budget?

  • $13,829.41

Contact Person:

  • Idah Phiri 0975791957