Club Name: Rotary Club of Harare CBD
Name of the Project: Let Her Thrive
Objectives: What do you plan to achieve by the end of your project?
- Improved menstrual health and hygiene management knowledge amongst both boys and girls as well as the provision of a comprehensive Menstrual Health and Hygiene Package for this key demographic of young people aged 10-35.
- End period poverty, reduce teen pregnancies, reduce female school dropout rates, promote male involvement and ensure gender equality in Mutoko District, Mashonaland East Province, Zimbabwe.
Area of focus: What area focus does the project support?
- Knowledge on menstrual health and hygiene
- Use of sustainable menstrual health and hygiene products, and pad making skills development
- Access to comprehensive menstrual hygiene management kits
- Integration with financial literacy workshops
Community Needs: What primary needs were identified before project initiation?
- Access to easy-to-understand information of menstrual health and hygiene.
- Access to comprehensive & sustainable menstrual health & hygiene products
- Accompanying and related information on financial literacy, personal development, female wellness are lacking.
Category: What category does your project fall under?
- Planned Project
Direct Beneficiaries: Who are the direct beneficiaries of this project?
- Women and girls of childbearing age living in Mutoko District Mashonaland East Province Zimbabwe. Mashonaland East Province has a total female population of 895,917 (52% of the total) and approximately 40 000 high school girls that are out of school (MICS 2021). Mashonaland East is reported to have high levels of poor female health, a lack of menstrual health knowledge. sanitary products, and facilities. We have identified two wards within this district in consultation with community leaders, education officials, headmen and local chiefs. Within these we have identified 4000 Direct Beneficiaries, 70% of whom are female. These two wards represent a key population of young people requiring our support in the form of Menstrual Health & Hygiene Training, Pad Making Workshops and access to comprehensive and sustainable sanitary kits.
Mutoko District | Ward 8 | Ward 9 |
Total population | 2502 | 3348 |
Female population | 1335 | 1760 |
Indirect Beneficiaries: Who are the indirect beneficiaries of this project?
- Younger children, men and boys form some of the indirect beneficiaries of this project. These will benefit from lessons learnt during the equipping and informing of primary beneficiaries and also benefit from a stronger community of well-informed women, girls that remain in school and boys who become champions for women’s development and women’s health.
Sustainability: How sustainable is the project and what have you done to ensure sustainability?
- Align with global and national policy and national strategies to address period poverty.
- Partner with Schools and relevant ministries
- Ensure skills transfer to allow self-sufficiency.
- Use of readily available products
- Integration with financial literacy workshops
Partners: Who are your project partners?
- Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council
- Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education
Budget: What is the project budget?
- USD$50 100 Detailed Budget Here
Visual story: Tell your project story using photos/video showing the situation before and after.
This video represents the situation prior to intervention. The images below demonstrate the impact we have and after.